Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Paragraph topics

1.      There are many people in my life that have inspired me to do many different things. Like my sister, my dad and so on, they are the ones that occasionally give me good ideas when life is hard. But my biggest role model is my mom.  The reason is that she has helped me through life always and never gave up, and she never will, and whatever I ask  her, the answer is never “no”, because she has complete faith in me. Another reason is because she has succeeded threw life with my dad’s or my grandmothers help and without. And the last reason she is my biggest role model is because she will never give up on anything, when she fails to accomplish something, she doesn’t quit, she keeps going until she gets it right. So as you can see my mother to me is a hero, never will give up on me or on other tasks she needs to do, and always succeeded in life with or without help.
2.      There are many people in my countries history that are naturals and that have helped our world become a better and easier place to live. But there is one specific one that stands out the most to me. Without that person, we all wouldn’t have videogames, or TVs. His name is Nicola Tesla. He is my hero because without him right now I would always be so bored, no TV, no games. Also he is my hero because without him we would have candles for lights, no light bulbs, you know why, because he invented the light bulb. Without him lives would be just different, people would get less money at jobs, everything will have to be handwritten. You might be thinking, “well he didn’t invent the computer” no he didn’t, but did invent electricity, well at least made it much better, and without that being invented first, the computer can be made. So as you read in this paragraph, without Nicola Tesla, there would be no TV or video games, no lights, and no computers.
3.      My childhood was the craziest; it would take days for me to tell you all the great moments. So I will just tell you 1 part, it is the day when my tooth started wiggling, and the part when it fell out. This was a very special day because, well my teeth were perfect, they all went in a row, and were so white. One tooth started wiggling, I was of course scared. After a couple of days I was eating bread, and I am sure it was bread, and my tooth fell out. I was so scared, but I lived. That was more like a scary moment because when it fell out I was scared. And disappointing because after that my teeth wore not straight any more.      

4.      Many people ask me, if you had magic, and could change anything in your life, my answer is always I don’t know. But that is just because I can’t think of anything at that moment. But I do have one wish, and that is to not move back and forth. I first lived in Nis Serbia for 1 year, made great friends, and now forgot them. Then I moved to Switzerland, and there made good friends and then moved here to Belgrade. And here I found the best friends. But unfortunately I will have to move back to Switzerland in 2 or 3 years. The reason is that at one place I just make good friends, and then I have to move. Also moving back, I will have to get used to the place once more, it’s just like starting everything I had in Belgrade over again. So I hope no one gets in the same situation as me. No one to be separated from their friends, or  moving to another country right after you get used to the one you are living in.

5.      There are many things that I am good at, many things I am bad at, and things that I really want to improve during this school year, like math, English, science and tennis. But one thing means to me the most, and that is French. French class has not been going very well, so I want to improve it.  I am going to do that first by heeding in class. Won’t miss 1 important fact.  Also I will sometimes go over some things if we studied something important. And lastly, study harder for tests, last year it was hard, because no one except for my sister speaks French well, so there is no one to help me. But this year I will work and study harder. So as you can see with hard work and wanting to learn, you can accomplish anything.  

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